#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # lognotify.rb # http://github.com/omp/lognotify # # Copyright 2010 David Vazgenovich Shakaryan # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for the full license text. require 'ftools' CACHE_DIR="~/.cache/lognotify" CONFIG_DIR="~/.config/lognotify" # Configuration file parser. def parse identifier conf = Hash.new file = File.expand_path(CONFIG_DIR + '/' + identifier + '.conf') File.open(file) do |contents| contents.each_line do |line| # Remove whitespace from beginning of line, allowing for indentation. line.lstrip! # Ignore empty lines and comments. unless line.empty? or line[0,1] == '#' key, value = line.split('=', 2) # Raise an error if line does not contain a key/value pair. raise 'Error reading line ' + contents.lineno.to_s + '.' if value.nil? conf[key.strip.to_sym] = value.strip end end end return conf end # Count lines in cached log. def count_lines identifier file = File.expand_path(CACHE_DIR + '/' + identifier + '.log') return File.open(file).readlines.length end # Retrieve new lines via SSH. def retrieve_lines path, lines, hostname command = "cat #{path}" command << " | sed '1,#{lines}d'" if lines > 0 return %x[ssh #{hostname} "#{command}"] end # Append new lines to cached log. def append_lines identifier, lines path = File.expand_path(CACHE_DIR + '/' + identifier + '.log') file = File.open(path, 'a') file.print lines file.close end # Output all messages immediately, as opposed to buffering. STDOUT.sync = true # Create cache directory, if nonexistent. path = File.expand_path(CACHE_DIR) File.makedirs(path) unless File.directory?(path) # Treat each argument as a log identifier. ARGV.each do |identifier| conf = parse(identifier) # Create cache file, if nonexistent. path = File.expand_path(CACHE_DIR + '/' + identifier + '.log') File.open(path, 'w').close unless File.exist?(path) print '* Counting lines in cached log... ' lines = count_lines(identifier) puts lines print '* Retrieving new lines via SSH... ' newlines = retrieve_lines(conf[:log_path], lines, conf[:ssh_hostname]) puts 'Done' puts '* Number of new lines: ' + newlines.lines.count.to_s unless newlines.lines.count.zero? print '* Appending new lines to cached log... ' append_lines(identifier, newlines) puts 'Done' puts newlines end end